Welcome to my portfolio!

I am FrontEnd/UX/UI -developer/designer and this is the spot where I play with JavaScript/React/Html/Css/ Htmx/Angular/ Tailwind CSS/Svelte/ ChatGPT/OpenAI. Click the thumbnails below for details or go straight to App from the menu.

Also, check out my Figma UX/UI design examples: Landing Page, User Flows, Sitemap, Wireframing and Mobile App Design. Go and look: Figma examples

I also experimented Tableau, data visualization tool for data analysis.Tableau

New! Showcasing my AI Artistry: AI Artistry

The Lab

The Lab is the place where I play with new miscellaneous things with Html/Css/JavaScript/Htmx/ Angular/ Tailwind CSS/Svelte/ ChatGPT/OpenAI.

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My playground/sandbox where I play with different kinds of web motions and animations. Focuses mainly on web motions and animations so is not fully responsive. (JavaScript/Html/Css/Gsap)

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Weather App with fetch API request from Open Weather Api (https://openweathermap.org/ https://api.openweathermap.org) including eventListener that listens keyboard (Enter) and searchbutton for wanted city to find current weather forecast. (JavaScript/Html/Css)

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English Dictionary

English dictionary with fetch API request from Free Dictionary API (https://dictionaryapi.dev/ https://api.dictionaryapi.dev) including async/await and try..catch error handling plus eventListener that listens keyboard for wanted word to find. (JavaScript/Html/Css)

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Using random pic service (https://picsum.photos/) to make ramdom photogallery site and using button with addEventListener to add new random imagegrid below previous images. (JavaScript/Html/Css)

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Digital Clock

Digital Clock using Html, Css and JavaScript

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ToDo List

ToDo List with React using useState, useEffect and LocalStorage. React/Html/Css.

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