The Lab

The Lab is the place where I play with new miscellaneous things with Html/Css/JavaScript/Htmx/Angular /Tailwind CSS/ Svelte/ChatGPT/OpenAI. Now includes Drag & Drop, Dom Nodes, Local Storage, Htmx Get Request, Angular e-commerse site, Tailwind CSS, Svelte demo App and Javascript ChatGPT Clone.

Javascript ChatGPT Clone

ChatGPT clone using JavaScript, HTML, CSS and OpenAI API with sidebar that contains previous chat message history and new chat function.
Javascript ChatGPT Clone

Drag & Drop
(Mouse Events)

 Move Me!
 Copy Me!

Drop Here

Dom Nodes

Node 1

Node 2: Target

Node 3

Local Storage


Htmx get request

Click the button or enter keyword to load a joke...

Angular e-commerse site

Angular e-commerce demo site with a catalog, shopping cart, and check-out form.
Angular e-commerse site

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is an open source CSS framework. Here I play with Tailwind CSS (cdn), for example: responsive grid/images and image/text/button effects.
NeonCity I
NeonCity II
NeonCity III


Svelte is a free and open-source component-based front-end software framework. This is the App where I test basics of Svelte framework.
Svelte App